In the example above, a player can score points by forming a vertical group of 3 cherry-colored vessels' tiles by swapping a vessel tile from the 1st column 3rd row with a neighboring 'purple animal' tile.
Swapping the Tiles
Only tiles that are adjacent horizontally or vertically can be swapped.
To swap the tiles, click on the 1st tile and it will get hilighted, indicating that it is selected.
Now click on the 2nd adjacent tile. If swapping these tiles formed a group of 3 or more similar vertical or horizontal tiles,
the group will collapse and points will be assigned.
The greater the number of collapsing tiles, the more points will be scored.
After playing for some time, players receive bonus tiles that would appear to the left of the board.
Universal Tile |  | can be used for adding to any
combination of tiles. Universal Tile appears after 360 points. To use the Universal Tile, click on it and then click the 2nd
tile to be swapped with it. |
Diagonal tile |  | can be used up to 3 times to sw
ap tiles diagonally. Diagonal Tile appears after 540 points. When you have a Diagonal Tile, there is no need to select it: di
agonal swapping of all tiles will work in addition to horizontal and vertical swapping. |
Extra tile (can be any randomly assigned tile) can be used to add to a combination of similar tiles. Extra tile appears after 180 points. To use the Extra Tile, click on it and then click the 2nd tile to be swapped with it. |
Playing the Game
If no moves are made for at least 15 seconds, the game prompts which tiles can be swapped: 2 tiles blink for 2 seconds. The p
rompt does not necessarily indicate the optimal move -- just a possible move.
After a certain number of successful tile swaps is made, a passageway opens into another room. Each consecutive room adds an
extra tile.
The game ends when:
- there is no more time left on the clock as determined by the server
- there are no legal moves to make
Strategy Tips
- Try to form longer group of tiles to score more points
- Hold on to bonus tiles as long as possible
- Given a choice, try to form a group of tiles such that after its collapsing there would be more combinations available
- When you swap one pair of tiles, you don't have to wait for new collapsing tiles to settle down -- try to keep swapping other pairs of tiles if they are available (e.g., on the opposite side of the board).